Death Be Not Proud (Wrongest Product Award nomination)

Colbert made me do it.

You see, I had this thing (would you call it an eternal home audio system?) lined up for an upcoming “Wrongest Product Award” nomination, but then Stephen Colbert went and aired it on his show this week. So I’m moving this up on the queue of Wrongest Product nominations and covering it sooner than later.


For those of you who missed The Colbert Report this week, here’s a brief explanation from Laughing Squid:

The CataCombo Sound System is a hi-fi digital audio system specifically designed for coffins. The system has three components: a music app, a headstone/music server, and the CataCoffin that is wired with an array of speakers (including a bone-rattling 8 inch subwoofer). The CataCombo Sound System is available …  for about $31,000.

My remaining eco question: what’s the eternal power source? I suppose dirt would be convenient.


Previous Wrongest Product Award nominations

The Wrongest Product Awards will go to those products (and their designers) that embody the least amount of redeeming value while incurring the use of unnecessary, often gratuitous, materials or energy.

How is this relevant to EcoOptimism, you might ask? Easy – it shows how extraneous so many products are, often in a “what-were-they-thinking” sense.

Nominations are open. Send yours to ImNotBuyinIt (at)

1 thought on “Death Be Not Proud (Wrongest Product Award nomination)

  1. German

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    Product Award nomination) | David Bergman: EcoOptimism”, quite entertaining not to mention the blog
    post was indeed a great read. I appreciate it-Colleen


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