EcoOptimism is not blind. We have our moments of despair. Occasionally, we’ll post a story that tries its damndest to ruin our day raise the alarum.
This one’s a little less timely than future ones will be because we didn’t want to dilute our optimism too early in the blog.
“Nearly all of Greenland’s massive ice sheet suddenly started melting a bit this month, a freak event that surprised scientists.” That’s the lede from a USA Today/AP article. From the gist of the reports, I’d call that more than “a bit.”
“Scientists Say They’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Before” was the quote from ABC that Climate Progress led with (though I couldn’t find that quote on ABC’s site), followed by “NASA reported today some truly shocking findings on the melting of the Greenland ice sheet this summer.”
NASA’s website headlined: “Satellites See Unprecedented Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Melt.”
We return you now to EcoOptimism.