In my recent post for National Geographic’s Great Energy Challenge Blog , “The Limited Vision of the Pro-Nuclear Energy Argument,” (which was a version of my EcoOptimism post “Answering the Wrong Question”), one of the commenters wrote: “it is a fact that only carbon-based energy and nuclear have a high enough energy density to meet our world’s demands. None of the renewables come close.”
I wrote back “It is far from “fact” that only carbon-based and nuclear energy sources can meet the world’s needs. There are many studies showing that a combination of renewable sources can indeed meet that need. And that will be easier still with a rethinking of what we employ energy for and how it actually improves our lives.”
I was referring, in part, to several things I’d read including the WWF’s 2011 “Energy Report,” which states “By 2050, we could get all the energy we need from renewable sources,” and a 2009 article in Scientific American titled “A Plan to Power 100 Percent of the Planet with Renewables.” An indicator that we might even be headed in the right direction was a Climate Progress post “Wind And Solar Make Up 100% Of New U.S. Electricity Capacity In September” and other reports that the growth in renewable energy outpaced conventional sources last year.
Then, almost on demand, up pops a post by the inestimable Amory Lovins and the Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) in which he responds to President Obama’s recent statement that we “need some big technological breakthrough” to tackle climate change.
Mr. President — our nation already has the technologies to protect the climate while advancing prosperity. Here’s how.
Your National Renewable Energy Laboratory showed just last June how to produce 80 to 90 percent of America’s electricity from proven, reliable and increasingly competitive renewable sources like the sun and wind.
Lovins points to findings from his RMI book “Reinventing Fire” describing how a combination of energy efficiency and renewables can indeed meet the world’s future energy requirements. Energy efficiency, he writes, “can save 44 percent of projected 2050 electricity needs through proven building and industrial technologies that pay back far faster than any new source of supply. Wasting far less energy and getting the rest at lower and stable prices would powerfully boost jobs and growth.”
Then “conventional wisdom is wrong that solar and wind aren’t viable without a breakthrough in electricity storage. Analysis and experience prove that 60-80 percent solar and windpower — sited across a region, forecasted, and balanced by flexible supply and demand — can keep the lights on with often less storage or backup than traditional giant power stations need now. That’s how Germany, without adding storage, is already one-fourth renewable-powered, and at times last spring met over half its electric load just with solar power. A smart grid will make this even more successful and resilient.”
(You may have heard about the rather spectacular recent claim on Fox News that solar power works better in Germany than it could here because “they’ve got a lot more sun than we do.” There are many reasons, all involving policies, incentives and economics, that solar power has been more successful there than here, but amount of sunshine is definitively not one of them.)
My bet is that the commenter above could provide a bunch of similarly confidant sounding reports supporting his statement.
Believing in facts?

Neil deGrasse Tyson recently tweeted: “I’m often asked whether I believe in Global Warming. I now just reply with the question: “Do you believe in Gravity?” Image source: Sodahead
My father, who was a science journalist (and covered some of the early environmental stories), had a plaque on his desk with the quote “There are three sides to every story. Yours, mine and the facts.” But that was before the age of instant digital communications, sound bites and Citizens United. Now, it seems, there are just two sides: your facts and my facts. And anything, repeated often enough, now takes on the feeling of fact.
It’s become increasingly difficult to ascertain whose facts are, in fact, factual. I subscribe to the “follow the money” rule, or rather, don’t follow the money. Self-interest is an incredibly strong force and money, these days, is its enabler. Virtually every climate denier’s “fact” can be traced to “research” or reports funded by corporate, usually fossil fuel, interests.
The counterclaim, frequently utilized in “climate gate” and elsewhere, is that scientists manipulate facts in order to secure funding for their research — as if that funding amounts to even a miniscule fraction of what corporate grant recipients and lobbyists receive. (Even that, by the way, doesn’t always work.) And never mind that scientific findings go through strenuous competitive peer review before being labeled facts, while the only review of most corporate statements is by their public relations departments.
I know this is a dangerously broad statement and subject to the great observation by Mark Twain that all generalizations are false. But I’ve seen little to lead me to believe otherwise.
This article that is supposed to be Focusing on “facts” is deceptive.
For example it mentions that Germany is one-fourth renewable-powered but fails to mention that most of this capacity is from their already fully exploited hydro. In fact Germany is building filthy Lignite coal plants faster per capita than any other country. In fact their solar and wind investment has yet to close a single coal plant. That is zero…none…zip. I find it informative that Germany, the richest country in Europe with the highest electricity costs has not managed to cut its CO2 emissions. While France was able to reduce its CO2 emissions to the lowest in Europe by replacing coal with Nuclear power, while having the lowest cost electricity.
That is true reality and facts.
Dear green thinker,
I am always open to corrections. Can you supply impartial data backing this up?
Dear David Bergman: I agree with you. We need to take the work of Dr, Mark Dilucchi, Dr. Mark Jacobson and Amory Lovins to the next level and have the US Department of Energy and the Congress have hearings on it. I have started a petition on the Whitehouse Website’s “We, the people”. We have until 3/22/13 to gather 100,000 signatures. I need your help to make this petition drive go viral. Can you help publicize this petition? The URL is: This is something any citizen with a computer and Internet access can do. As Abraham Lincoln once said: “to sin by silience, makes cowards of men (and women)” We have to gather the “political will” as Jacobson and Delucchi so adroitly put it in their Nov 2009 Scientific American article. By the way, have you read their March 2011 article from Energy Policy, which factors out using any biomass fuel from their plan? Thanks, Paul Roden
Yardley, PA Bucks County